
When we meditate we step back from our everyday thoughts and simply observe our mind.  We connect with a place of stillness within and become the silent witness or observer.  This simple act of detaching from the constant stream of thoughts gives us the power to choose what thoughts we give our attention to.  We may recognise that some thoughts do not serve us or are simply other people's opinions or old conditioned beliefs that no longer serve us.  Meditation gives us the capacity to choose what thoughts to pay attention to and what thoughts to simply ignore.  These negative thoughts loose their power over us and simply fade out of our mind.  We vitalise the positive thoughts with our conscious attention.

This is why meditation is so effective in reducing stress, anxiety and depression as we experience these as a repetition of negative and self depreciating cycles of thoughts that come from old patterns of beliefs that no longer serve us.  We can heal and change these old patterns and rewire new ones.

The regular practice of meditation gives us back the control and power of our own mind.  We, our conscious self take the driving seat  and this empowers us.  

There is an Ancient wisdom axiom that science is starting to understand that says "Energy follows Thought" and so changing our mind changes the energy you give out into life and therefore the energy you attract into your life and this changes  your life in a beautiful way.  Other people will notice a positive change in you even before you do.

We can delve into the esoteric understanding of meditation and come to realise when we meditate we use our will to connect our conscious mind with the universal consciousness, our higher mind with our higher self, our personality vehicle with our soul and the intuitive messages that come to us come directly from our buddhic nature, the vehicle of our soul. 

 We feel nourished mentally, emotionally, energetically and physically by the soul as we make this connection. We build the antakarana, the rainbow bridge between our soul and our personality that enables the intuitive wisdom to flow more freely. 

With regular practice we build a bigger and wider and clearer bridge until we come to a place where we live our life intuitively with messages from our soul creating a flow in life akin to the flow we see in a world class athlete who performs in a graceful seemingly effortless way to achieve greatness naturally.

 This is the flow of the tao spoken of in ancient Chinese Taoist culture, it is the flow of the prana of Indian hindu belief or the flow of chi in Chinese medicine. It is the natural life force flow that we see in the symphony and beauty of nature and it is ours if we learn to reconnect with our body and come out of our thinking mind to a place of stillness. 
Teresa4Yoga Meditation for World Peace
World peace begins with me...
"Be the Change you Wish to See in the World"
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure”

     Nelson Mandela
“The only real,
valuable thing is intuition"

 Albert Einstein
learn to meditate through a connection with nature new online course

Meditation develops a

True Understanding of Love

To Sign up for Teresa's Friday morning Meditation online

Overcoming Resistance to a

Regular Practice of Meditation

Includes a wonderful meditation to access your intuitive guidance...

Meditation and Intuition Download

When we connect our Body, Heart and Mind Intelligence centres into an integrated whole we have access to Intuitive guidance and wisdom far beyond our Thinking rational Mind.

"When I meditate I am a nicer person to be around, life still has its challenges but I seem to be able to cope with them more easily, the joy returns, the forgiveness and gratitude come more readily, I feel at peace with myself and the world" 
Our soul is in constant meditation, when we come into the silence and quieten our thoughts we connect with 
the wisdom of our soul 
"How to Meditate" Download
"What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison
to what lies inside you"

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Teresa4Yoga Expansive
 To help you to Return to a place of Calm and Peace when you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious or fearful I have recorded a 4minute Heart Coherence audio that you can play as many times as you need to during the day

I have also included a 12minute Meditation to Restore your Inner Peace and Courage.

These are both available to download as mp3 files  

Restore Your Inner Peace & Courage Meditation 12mins MP3 Heart Coherence Meditation 4mins Mp3

Teresa Talk How Meditation Develops Mindfulness followed by meditation

There are numerous Teresa Talks on Esoteric Subjects followed by Group Meditation on my Youtube Channel
Inner Peace Meditation mp3 Ten mins

Teresa's Insights into How Meditation enables us to be Less Reactive Emotionally

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