For Peace and Inner Calm Makarasana The Crocodile

Teresa Keast
Makarasana The Crocodile Yoga Pose the answer to Peace, Harmony and Inner Calm

If everyone regularly practiced Makarasana...The Crocodile the world would be a better place.

A master posture that has the capacity to bring us back to peace, harmony and inner calm on all levels of our being. I have seen profound changes in people who regularly practice this amazing posture. It is especially powerful for children, young people and anyone who struggles with expression of strong emotions and feelings.

All we need to do is surrender, breathing quietly and deeply into the belly and relax in the position shown above.  Lying on your front with your forehead resting on your hands, shoulders relaxed, legs apart with heels turned inward and toes turned outward (you can have a cushion under your feet if this is not comfortable).   

Of its numerous benefits probably the most important is Makarasana's ability to calm and allow release of built up emotional energy from the solar plexus area of the body,  the Manipura chakra or energy centre.


When we experience pent up anger,upset or grievances, we are in shock or stressed this wonderful posture brings us back to a place of feeling peaceful again. If we need to cry it gently allows this healing release. When we spend time in Makarasana the fears, doubts, resentments and grievances that we hold onto come into perspective.  We release the ego need to be right, we release the anger and our story of the injustice and allow healing to flow into our being.  By lying with your hands in connection with your brow you allow  the love wisdom of the heart chakra Anahata to connect  with the intuitive understanding of the Arjna, third eye chakra and this enables you  to detach emotionally from the drama and see the truth of a situation and your part in any hurt. This opens the doors to letting go of self-justification, judgement and criticism and opening to acceptance and eventually forgiveness allowing a change in your perspective.   You see the whole drama very differently.  The physical release of this negative energy is transfomative.

Forgiveness has the power to return us to a place of love. It is not something we bestow on another who has harmed us but rather a choice we make to see the soul in another and accept their human fallability. We do not condone their behaviour but rather we let go our attachment to the grievance and this brings us back to peace and allows healing to flow, restoring understanding, compassion and better relations again. Ultimately we come to realise that it is our self we need to forgive.....

Makarasana has so many benefits but here are some of the main ones:


  • Physically it relieves the pressure on spinal nerves and discs so is excellent for anyone with lower back problems, sciatica, or recovery from slipped discs and other spinal disorders.
  • It opens the Base chakra Mooladhara, grounding our energy and encouraging the flow of energy along the seven major chakras associated with the spine. Grounding keeps us in touch with nature and the earth and encourages the flow of abundance and energy in our life.  We feel in touch with what is important.
  • It encourages the connection of the head and the heart, the intellect and the intuitive in decision making and develops thinking in the heart....
  • It opens the heart chakra so we return to compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, unconditional love and connection with others more readily.
  • It helps us to get to, or return to sleep.
  • It connects us with our quiet stillness within bestowing peace on the mind, and relaxing the body. We find a place inside of us where we are always calm, clear and strong.
  • It restores our subtle energy, encouraging the flow of prana or chi in the body that revitalises our physical body and infuses us with life force energy and the joy of living.
  • It balances the right and left sides of the body, bringing balance between the masculine, yang energy of “Doing” and expressing ourselves in the world with the feminine, yin energy of retreating to the inner silence for guidance, nourishment and to simply “Be”.
  • It helps us to connect to the intuitive wisdom within us that we come to trust to  guide our life.
  • It brings us home to our true Self....a feeling of wholeness


If you do no other yoga, do this one...

If you regularly practice yoga finish your practice in Makarasana...

Enjoy the Magic of Makarasana and know that in practising this wonderful posture you will be a better person and the world a better place...

Namaste  Teresa

Makarasana is such an amazing posture, I have written and soon to publish an ebook titled The Magic of Makarasana, that explores the wonderful benefits of the Crocodile in depth

For more information

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